• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

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Maintaining a healthy lawn requires time and commitment. Proper watering, aeration, and nutrient applications can help promote lush growth and make the yard more attractive.

Regular mowing and applying pest control products can help keep weeds at bay. Aerate trampled areas to prevent the ground from becoming too compacted, and consider adding topsoil to improve drainage and nutrient uptake. Click Here to learn more.

Lawn mowing is an important part of overall lawn care. A well-mowed lawn is healthy and attractive, enhancing your home’s curb appeal. A professional lawn service has the equipment and skills to cut your grass at the proper height for each season, preventing diseases and weeds from developing. It can also trim the edges of your lawn and edge hard surfaces to create a clean, crisp look.

A thorough lawn care program includes mowing but also offers fertilization, weed control, soil health and turf disease management. It may even include leaf removal, tree trimming and winterizing. The right lawn care schedule is a balance of services to ensure that your lawn grows thick and lush, and is free of harmful insects and drought stress.

Grass needs to be mowed regularly at the right height for each season, but it is not always as simple as buying a mower and setting up a regular mowing schedule. Some factors that must be considered are lot size, topography, physical fitness and cost.

When mowing, it is important to change the direction of mowing frequently to promote upright shoot growth and prevent scalping, which can damage the turf. It is also important to rake or bag the clippings after each mow, because they smother the grass and can stimulate disease or feed pests.

Adding lime is important for the health of turf, as it helps to correct low pH levels in the soil and improves the availability of nutrients to the grass. A lawn care company will test your soil annually and recommend the appropriate amount of lime to add.

Over time, mowing and bagging grass clippings can use up all of the available nutrients in the soil, so lawns need to be fertilized. Lawn care companies will use a soil test to determine what nutrients are needed and how often, and apply them appropriately through an application of granular or liquid fertilizers.

Many homeowners want a lush, thriving lawn. But many don’t have the time or knowledge to keep up with all of the maintenance and treatments that a healthy lawn requires. This is why many turn to a professional lawn care company.


The proper amount of watering is a critical factor in a lush lawn. Too much water can damage grass and soil, while not enough deprives roots of essential oxygen. The right mix of sand, silt, and clay in the soil makes a difference too. Sandy soils dry out faster, while clay holds moisture longer. A simple soil test can tell you how much to water and how frequently.

A general rule of thumb is to give the lawn a weekly deep soaking. A shallow watering encourages thatch, an unsightly web of dry grass runners, while a deeper soak helps roots extend down into the soil. The best time to water is in the morning, when evaporation is low and cool temperatures prevent fungal growth. Using an empty tuna can is a great way to measure how deep you are watering and whether or not your sprinklers are distributing water evenly.

Watering in the evening or afternoon increases evaporation and can also scald plants and soil. Aim to water for five or 10 minutes at a time, and don’t overwater. A wet tuna can means that you’ve soaked the ground properly and can turn off your sprinklers.

During times of drought, reduce your irrigation schedule gradually over a period of weeks to help the lawn and landscape acclimate to water restrictions. If water shortages are extreme, shut down automated systems and use hand-held hoses to apply a light application of water to critical areas only.

Once conditions improve, aerate and fertilize your lawn to promote healthy growth. This is a year-round maintenance service and should include core aeration, overseeding, leaf and debris removal, and pest control.

A well-maintained lawn looks beautiful and provides a place for children and pets to play. It can also improve the look of your home and add value to your property. A professional lawn care company will perform all of the necessary services to keep your yard in top shape. If you don’t have the time or energy to care for your yard, hiring a full-service company is the best way to enjoy a lush green lawn all year round.


Grass needs proper nutrition to be healthy, look its best and give weeds a run for their money. Lush, green lawns depend on well-timed and balanced fertilization to display their best.

Fertilizers provide your grass with nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which help grass grow stronger and resist weeds. There are many types of lawn care fertilizers available, including organic and inorganic products. Organic fertilizers, such as compost, fish emulsion and blood meal, are made from natural ingredients that improve soil health and are less likely to burn your turf. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are man-made and contain chemicals with higher concentrations of nutrients. They are usually cheaper than organic fertilizers but can be more damaging to the environment.

When you use a fertilizer, read the label carefully and follow the directions. The type and amount of fertilizer you need depends on your lawn’s size, season and other factors. It’s also important to know the difference between granular and liquid lawn care products. If you are able to water your turf regularly, using a liquid fertilizer is more effective because it dissolves faster and takes less time to absorb into the soil.

It’s also a good idea to be aware of your local weather conditions when you fertilize. If it is raining heavily, the nutrients may wash away or end up in the stormwater system and affect water quality. In addition, you should avoid fertilizing your yard when the ground is wet.

If you are not comfortable performing your lawn maintenance tasks on your own, Lawn Love can connect you with lawn care pros who will be happy to take on the task for a small fee. Our experts can perform routine maintenance on your lawn so it’s a place you’re proud of. Request a free quote today.

Weed Control

A weed-free lawn is the foundation for beautiful landscaping, but keeping it weed-free requires vigilance and persistence. Weeds compete with grass for sunlight, water, and nutrients, weakening the turf, making it more susceptible to disease and invasion by pests.

Preventive weed control practices promote strong, vigorous grass that effectively crowds out weeds and makes it more difficult for them to grow and thrive. Aerating, overseeding, regular soil testing and fertilization, and proper mowing are all effective weed control strategies that should be utilized when possible.

Understanding weed growth patterns is also critical to successful weed control. Each weed type has its own unique growth pattern, and understanding it helps to distinguish it from desirable grasses. For example, dandelions are most common in late spring and early fall when the sun is at its peak, while crabgrass is often found in bare or thin areas of the lawn. Recognizing these differences allows you to target specific weeds with targeted weed killer products and preventative measures.

If a weed problem persists, regular inspections should be conducted to identify problems and address them promptly. Hand pulling small weeds, mowing regularly to keep the grass at an optimal height, and spot treatment with herbicides are all effective strategies for tackling stubborn weeds. When using a herbicide, be sure to follow the product’s label instructions for proper application.

Many lawn care professionals offer weed control programs that include preventative maintenance strategies as well as a chemical-based approach to weed management. These services may include aeration, granular herbicides, and targeted spraying of weeds using foam or spot applicators. While these services may require more investment than simply mowing and spraying with a weed killer, they are the most comprehensive way to keep a lawn healthy and free of unsightly weeds.

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